Why Iā€™m Running

I'm Jarrod Anderson, running for Wisconsin State Assembly because Milwaukee deserves a champion for its health and growth.

My career has been dedicated to fostering healthy communities, encompassing everything from access to top-notch healthcare facilities and affordable medicine to ensuring clean air, abundant public parks, and safe, inclusive schools. I envision a Milwaukee where every resident feels secure, supported by modern public transit, and lives in a community that thrives without displacing its most vulnerable.

A healthy community also upholds the right to reproductive healthcare, ensuring women have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies. As your Assembly representative, I aim to be a vigorous advocate for Milwaukee, pushing for policies that make our city healthier, happier, and more prosperous.

Being an Assemblyperson means safeguarding public trust with a focus on serving constituents over political grandstanding. It's time for unity and progressive policymaking to address challenges like reckless driving, mental health services scarcity, and rising crime. With the legislative landscape changing, Milwaukee needs a representative with the determination to effect positive change.

We need Democratic unity, focused efforts over headline-chasing, and a commitment to doing the hard work required to improve lives. I'm here to do that work. Join me in moving Milwaukee forward.