Jarrod’s Priorities for the 19th Assembly District

Lowering the Cost of Healthcare

The cost of healthcare for Wisconsinites is unreasonably high and has caused individuals to assume massive amounts of debt to stay healthy. Medical debt is at an all-time high, and has impacted folks’ ability to afford necessities, buy homes, and even get jobs. I support legislation that would exclude medical debt from consumer credit reports as well as legislation that would ensure consumers cannot be billed for emergency ambulance services, one of the largest sources of unpaid medical debt. I also strongly support expanding Badgercare, which would cover more Wisconsinites while saving the state hundreds of millions of dollars that can be reinvested in community health and mental health efforts.

Making Schools Safe,
Secure, and Inclusive

Students’ experience at school will define the rest of their lives. It is our responsibility to ensure that every student has every resource to find success at school. This means that schools should be inclusive, safe spaces with ample mental health resources, and free meals available to those who need them. I support legislation that would incentivize the provision of free meals. Further, I am supportive of efforts to make state funded mental health professionals available in every public school.

Combatting Reckless Driving
and Gun Violence

While Milwaukee has done an admirable job to combat reckless driving and gun violence, it needs further assistance from the State. Most importantly, I support legislation that would allow municipalities like Milwaukee to use automated traffic cameras for both law enforcement and traffic management purposes. I support legislation that would create universal background checks for all firearm sales in Wisconsin, as well as legislation that creates a system for Extreme Risk Protection Orders, sometimes known as a “red flag law”. Finally, I support legislation that would empower citizen-run boards to oversee the review, disclosure, and dissemination of police bodycam footage.

Ensuring our Communities
are Prosperous

Milwaukee is home to a beautifully diverse population, all of whom benefit when the city continues to develop. But development needs to benefit everyone. That’s why I am a strong proponent of urban development that does not aim to eventually displace Milwaukee’s vulnerable populations. Further, I am an advocate for enhanced funding for our local parks to address seasonal staffing shortages and longstanding deferred maintenance issues. I also support legislation that would repeal the Wisconsin REINS act to allow the DNR to promulgate groundwater protection standards that will keep our water free of toxins.

Modernizing our Priorities
on Social Issues.

It is time for Wisconsin to modernize its approach to social issues. I support legislation that would establish a statutory right to contraception and repeal antiquated abortion restrictions. I also join 86% of Wisconsin residents in support or legislation that would legalize marijuana and subject its sale to regulation and taxation. Revenue from the sale of marijuana should be devoted to recovery and rehabilitation programs in the state. Further, I support legislation that would make it legal for residents in Wisconsin under DACA to apply for professional licensing, so that we may retain more of the talented teachers, nurses, physician assistants, and doctors that already call Wisconsin home.

We want to hear from you! At the heart of our campaign is a commitment to the voices and concerns of our community.

As you explore Jarrod's policy positions, let us know which issues resonate with you the most. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to create a campaign that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of Milwaukee.